Florida Bulldog

Board of Advisors

Michael Connelly, best-selling crime fiction novelist and former Sun-Sentinel reporter

Tom Fiedler, dean of the College of Communication, Boston University; former executive editor, The Miami Herald

Lisa Gibbs – Director of news partnerships at The Associated Press and former executive business editor of The Miami Herald.

Brant Houston – Knight Chair in Investigative and Enterprise Reporting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; former executive director of Investigative Reporters and Editors

Tom Julin, chair of the Florida Bar Media and Communications Law Committee; law partner at Gunster in Miami.

James Savage, former investigations editor, The Miami Herald

Florence Beth Snyder – First Amendment attorney and former Administrative Law Judge in the Southern District of Florida

Sam Terilli, assistant professor of journalism at the University of Miami; law partner at Ford & Harrison in Miami; former general counsel for The Miami Herald Publishing Company

Joe Thomas – Senior organizational management and institutional development consultant

Mark Young, former Broward bureau manager for WFOR/CBS4 News

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