Florida Bulldog

Donors – 2011-2012

             Broward Bulldog donors – 2011-2012

LAS OLAS CLUB — $10,000 and up

Michael Connelly

RIVERWALK CLUB — $1000 to $9999

Keith Donner
Jacqueline Egan

NEW RIVER CLUB — $500-$999

Frank Congemi
Thomas Julin
William Hirschman and Oline Cogdill

SAWGRASS CLUB — $100 to $499

Brian Burk
Michael Butler
Kendall Coffey
Timothy Dodson
Willie Fernandez
Mary Jo Francis and Ellis Berger
Donna Gehrke
Lisa Gibbs
William Gjebre
Joseph Goldstein
Kenneth Graves
Charlotte Greenbarg
Tom Lassiter
Jean Mignolet
Lucy Chabot Reed
Ellen Soeteber
Neal R. Sonnett, P.A.
Judith Stern
Todd Templin
Richard Ward
Gaylord Wood

EVERGLADES CLUB — up to $99 Club — $99 or less
Rich Bard
Paul Barter
Harriet Brackey
Mike Budd
Veronica DePadro
Steve Ellman
Bob Knotts
Deirda Funcheon
Bob LaMendola
Lori Gold
D.P. Hughes
Larry Lebowitz and Amy Driscoll
David Lyons
Bernie McCormick
Donna McMahon
Megan O’Matz
Alysa Plummer
Mike Sallah
Amy Sherman
Deborah Wood
Gabriel Tyner

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