Florida Bulldog

Fighters for nonpartisan public education take on DeSantis-backed Moms for Liberty in Florida

moms for liberty
Gov. Ron DeSantis receives a ‘Liberty Sword’ from Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice, left, and Tina Descovich, center, at the group’s national summit in Tampa in July 2022.  Photo: Executive Office of the Governor

By Noreen Marcus,

Moms for Liberty, the school grievance league with close ties to Gov. Ron DeSantis, has changed public education in Florida – and not for the better, many parents and educators say.

In DeSantis’s war on “woke,” a political term that refers to the belief in systemic racism or other injustices, the Moms for Liberty are his foot soldiers. They’re a force in Republican politics akin to Sarah Palin, John McCain’s 2008 running mate, who called herself “a hockey mom” and said the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is “lipstick.”

DeSantis urges them on. “You just gotta be willing to stand by your convictions,” he said at the Moms’ first summit meeting in Tampa last year. “Now’s not the time to let them grind you down. You gotta stand up and you gotta fight.”

The Florida governor and other Republican presidential hopefuls are expected at the group’s gathering June 29-July 2 in Philadelphia. Moms for Liberty claims almost 300 chapters in 45 states; Florida, where it incorporated in January 2021, has chapters in at least 32 counties.

Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties all have chapters. The Palm Beach chapter’s Facebook page describes Moms for Liberty as “dedicated to the survival of America by unifying, educating, and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.”

Yet there are signs the Moms for Liberty, who spin a folksy narrative about how they’re “joyful warriors” battling for children’s souls, may be losing steam in Florida.


This comes as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled Moms for Liberty  “anti-government” in its recent report, “The Year in Hate and Extremism 2022.” The SPLC has promoted civil rights and called out regressive groups for over 50 years.

Jen Cousins

Moms for Liberty members “combat what they consider the ‘woke indoctrination’ of children by advocating for book bans in school libraries and endorsing candidates for public office that align with the group’s views,” the SPLC report states.

“They also use their multiple social media platforms to target teachers and school officials, advocate for the abolition of the [U.S.] Department of Education, advance conspiracy propaganda, and spread hateful imagery and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community,” the report says.

The group’s mission is “to destroy public education,” said Jen Cousins, a co-founder of the Florida Freedom to Read Project. “They want to see everything moved to vouchers and private schools.”


Moms for Liberty did not grant Florida Bulldog an interview, but released this statement from co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich in response to the SPLC report:

“Our organization is devoted to empowering parents to be a part of their child’s public school education.

“That is our fundamental goal, which began just two years ago when teachers’ unions locked students out of schools during the pandemic. Empowering parents continues to be our mission today and that has fueled our organization’s growth – like wildfire to now 45 states in the country.

“Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘bigoted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school – parents or government employees?

“We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that,” the co-founders stated.


For all their apparent clout, the Florida Moms lost a bellwether school board race in Brevard County and a court battle over social media posts in Clearwater. They had Nobel laureate Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” yanked off bookshelves in Pinellas County schools, but after an uproar the district restored the novel to its curriculum.

Damaris Allen

“They’re not casting a vision of what they want; they’re just going after what they don’t want and that’s not sustainable because it’s exhausting,” said Damaris Allen, executive director of Coral Gables-based Families for Strong Public Schools. “I think people want to look forward to the future, something they can invest in and a direction they can see their kids flourishing in,” she said.

When a Fox News “exclusive” identified 14 school board members around the state the Moms for Liberty and DeSantis want to defeat in 2024, Jennifer Jenkins didn’t worry about being one of them.

“I feel like that was a marketing thing. I won’t be surprised if it never comes up again,” said Jenkins, who in 2020 replaced Descovich on the Brevard County School Board in a staunchly Republican district. Months later, Descovich and like-minded activists officially launched Moms for Liberty.

Jenkins said she believes their influence is waning. “For the past year, only one or two of them show up at our meetings,” she said. “The public is tired of them.”


Jenkins, a school speech pathologist, paid dearly for her upset victory over Descovich. Her family was threatened, and she was forced to defend herself from a bogus report of child abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Jennifer Jenkins

The Moms and their supporters “tormented that poor woman so bad,” Cousins said. “They burned her grass, they had a rally outside her daughter’s bedroom window.”

Cousins, who lives in Orange County, helps train parents from other school districts to beat the Moms at their own game. “Our aim is to try to keep them in check,” she said.

Jenkins remains defiant – but she won’t run for reelection in 2024. She’s weighing a bid for higher office and hasn’t yet announced her candidacy.

“This opportunity came to me,” she said. “I’m more than happy to be a warrior and an advocate but I’m not gonna do it on this school board with a supermajority of Moms for Liberty members.”


Elisabeth “Beth” Weinstein of Tarpon Springs is another mother of public school kids who fought the Moms and won. A marketing director by profession, she’s a longtime pro-choice activist who entered the Moms for Liberty fray when asked by Indivisible, a national anti-MAGA group.

Elisabeth “Beth” Weinstein at a protest in Tallahassee after Gov. DeSantis signed the six-week abortion ban bill in April.

“Their actions are so abhorrent that it has necessitated a reaction. It has brought people off the sidelines,” Weinstein said. “A lot of groups are recognizing one another and coordinating.”

Many of their battles are conducted online by trading word and meme salvos back and forth. Comments aren’t confined to local school board issues. 

The SPLC report quotes Eulalia Jimenez, chair of Miami’s Moms for Liberty chapter, writing this Instagram post after the school massacre in Uvalde,TX: “The children are confused … because of these insane agendas that are being shoved down their throats. .. Even the shooter – what, an 18-year-old transgender boy trying to be a girl?”

 In one fight that landed in state court in Clearwater, Moms supporter David Happe sought an injunction against Weinstein, claiming she doxxed white conservatives by revealing their private information.

“All we were doing was taking public posts and tagging them and saying what schools they were with, none of which is illegal,” Weinstein said.

She said she would grab screenshots of the Moms’ “bigoted, racist and transphobic” public posts before they were taken down, then repost. “They seem to forget that they exist in a world where I screen-shoot everything,” Weinstein said.

Happe eventually lost; a court document shows his claim was dismissed for insufficient evidence. “They have no legal expectation of privacy on social media,” Weinstein noted.


Moms for Liberty is a nonprofit that says it’s funded by membership fees and proceeds from T-shirt sales.The group’s 2021 IRS tax form 990 lists $370,029 in revenue and $163,382 in expenses.

But it may have other resources. The Washington Post reported that Republican megadonors such as Charles Koch funded local groups like Moms for Liberty that opposed school mask mandates.

Also, the Moms’ own PAC for supporting candidates in the 2022 midterms was largely funded by a $50,000 gift from Julie Fancelli, according to the SPLC report. The Publix grocery chain heiress had financed a rally just before the Jan. 6, 2021 raid on the Capitol.

Moms for Liberty’s 2021 Schedule B tax appendix doesn’t identify its biggest donors, individuals who contributed a total of $150,000 in these amounts: $100,000, $20,000, $15,000, $10,000 and $5,000. In the space for their names and addresses it says “N/A.”

Asked for contributors’ names, Moms for Liberty spokesperson Sierra Kostick sent Florida Bulldog an IRS rule change that allows nonprofits to withhold this information.

Allen, of Families for Strong Public Schools, said she fears that with all the drama surrounding Moms for Liberty, critically important issues are overlooked.

“There are a lot of potentially unintended consequences of their actions that I’m most concerned about,” Allen said. “They’re having devastating effects on our public schools. We’re losing an enormous amount of teachers and kids are suffering and their future is being put at stake because of this.”

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10 responses to “Fighters for nonpartisan public education take on DeSantis-backed Moms for Liberty in Florida”

  1. An excellent article. Thank you. We must continue to fight for FREE, COMPREHENSIVE public education.
    Our teachers need our support. Our children need our support. History must be taught as it happened, not as some people want you to THINK that it happened. There IS implicit social and racial bias in our world: In our banks, mortgage lenders, our city, county, and state governments; our police and fire departments; our judicial systems; and YES, in our school systems. If we are to survive as a democracy, each of us must be aware and fight to keep that bias out of our lives.

  2. Moms 4 Liberty are out of control and forcing more teachers to leave education! Do the research & you’ll see the proof! From a 38 yr retired teacher who has “fought the Assault on Public Ed since Jeb Bush was Governor!”

  3. Jennifer Dotson Avatar
    Jennifer Dotson

    Just one teensy problem that I see, if you could possibly fix it. In the article you share:

    “The children are confused … because of these insane agendas that are being shoved down their throats. .. Even the shooter – what, an 18-year-old transgender boy trying to be a girl?”

    This was debunked in the case of the Uvalde shooter. During a time when LGBTQ community members are being attacked, it is important to be factual.

    Thank you!

  4. Dan Christensen Avatar
    Dan Christensen

    Jennifer – Please note that this was a quoted opinion.

  5. 40 percent of my property tax dollars are for “public” education. I do not want my tax dollars being spent on bogus schools that don’t even have conforming educational standards for hiring the people who are teaching these children. To permit religious institutions to put their hands into my pocket so they can indoctrinate children with their religious teachings is also a serious aberration of the laws of separation of church and state. But what also needs to be done is an audit of the system because one will find that these bogus institutions of learning are counting children who are not even in their schools so they can get the $8500? per student per year. Add up the volumes of private schools that have sprung up in Dade County and add all the students who are supposed to be attending THOSE schools and in Miami Dade public schools and compare that to the current demographics.

  6. Dan,
    When a quoted passage is a misstatement of fact, then it should be incumbent upon the publication to immediately correct the record rather than provide unchallenged platform for the misinformation. It’s a similar concept as to why one might insert a [sic] after a quoted misspelling. Failure to correct the record leaves the knowledgeable reader wondering if the author of the story knows any better and leaves the uninformed reader deceived.

  7. Dan Christensen Avatar
    Dan Christensen

    So what is the misstatement?

  8. This article provides an insightful analysis of the ongoing conflict between the Fighters and Moms for Liberty, highlighting the importance of fostering a nonpartisan environment in public schools. By championing inclusive education that prioritizes critical thinking and unbiased curriculum, these Fighters are making a positive impact in the lives of students. Kudos to the author for covering this story and bringing attention to the pressing issue of nonpartisan public education in Florida.

  9. Elaine Keno Avatar

    Elliot, Where did you go to J-School? It is not the Florida Bulldog’s job – or that of any other news outlet – to “correct the record” when it is correctly quoting far-right conspiracy theories being spread on other forms of social media, read in context of the article, itself. If it were, we would not have time to write insightful, truthful articles like the one at issue here. Read it again and put on your reading comprehension skills hat. I think you missed the point the first time.

  10. Many here may already be familiar with the infomation I will share below. Personally, I recently became aware of how deep down the rabbit hole it goes

    Below is information I no longer hear anyone speak of.

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