Florida Bulldog

Broward’s killer sheriff faces twin probable cause findings of perjury as state dawdles and months roll by

probable cause
Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony. Photo: Spectrum Bay News 9

By Dan Christensen,

Over the summer, two different state agencies found probable cause to believe that Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony lied under oath for decades, including about his execution style slaying of a young man in Philadelphia when Tony was 14 years old.

What’s been done about it?  Nothing.

Seven months ago, on June 21, a three-person panel of the state commission that certifies police officers – the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC) – reached that conclusion after reviewing a 20-page Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) report that laid out in detail eight counts of “false affidavit perjury” involving Tony’s driver’s license applications. Such perjury is a felony, but no criminal charges were filed.

Five months ago, on Sept. 14, Florida’s Commission on Ethics voted 8-1 to find probable cause that Tony provided false information about himself to Gov. Ron DeSantis before the governor appointed him as sheriff in January 2019. A second finding of probable cause on the same facts made in a separate complaint was issued by the commission In December.

probable cause
Gov. Ron DeSantis

Anxious Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies, both current and former, are appalled by the lack of follow-up action by Gov. DeSantis – who hasn’t hesitated to remove other Florida officials for even non-criminal offenses – Attorney General Ashley Moody and the FDLE’s General Counsel’s Office. Broward residents, too, would like to see a resolution.


What’s going on? Here’s where things stand today as indicated in public records:

An administrative complaint sent to Tony shortly after the CJSTC panel’s ruling states that Tony is “guilty” of violating a pair of laws and a rule of the Florida Administrative Code. It seeks an “appropriate penalty” that could include the revocation of Tony’s license to be a police officer. (A revocation would not affect Tony’s status as an elected sheriff).

On June 30, as was his right, Tony formally disputed the CJSTC’s probable cause finding and sought a formal hearing before an administrative law judge. Specifically, Tony challenged allegations that eight times between March 15, 2002, and February 1, 2019 he knowingly made false statements, concealed material facts or otherwise committed fraud in his driver’s license applications – actions the panel said established his lack of “good moral character” that’s required of police officers in Florida.

To obtain a hearing, it’s up to the FDLE to file its case against Tony at the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) in Tallahassee. Seven months later, it has not done so.

In December, Florida Bulldog was told that a shortage of lawyers at FDLE had led to a backlog of cases. So far this year, only three CJSTC cases from northern Florida have been filed at DOAH.


Asked about that in an email, the attorney handling the case, FDLE Assistant General Counsel Natalie Bielby, did not respond. Department spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said, “We have been working to schedule a trial date with the attorney’s (sic) representing Sheriff Tony. No date has been set yet.”

Plessinger did not respond when asked why the department had not initiated a filing in the case after seven months. Likewise, there was no response to this question: “Has the governor’s office asked FDLE to hold off?”

Assistant Attorney General Melody Hadley

Tony’s Tallahassee lawyer, Stephen Webster of the law firm Webster + Baptiste, did not respond to several requests for comment.

The situation with the ethics commission’s case against Tony, pending nearly as long, is a bit stranger.

In September, attorney Webster issued two statements about its decision that resonate today. He said Tony “looks forward to a swift finding of innocence” while declaring that it was “unprecedented” for the commission to have rejected the recommendation of Commission Advocate, and assistant attorney general, Melody Hadley that it should find no probable cause against Tony.

It’s clear now that a speedy resolution of Tony’s ethics case isn’t in the cards. And the comments of Commissioner Willie Meggs, a former Leon County State Attorney, underline the incongruity of Hadley’s incompatible recommendation.


“It just boggles my mind that we sit here as an ethics commission, and we have someone who has basically committed acts by omitting and committing perjury in an application and we can’t find an ethics violation? I don’t get it,” Meggs said.

Ethics Commissioner Willie Meggs

Following the probable cause vote ethics commission Chairman John Grant urged Webster and Tony to open negotiations with commission staff about settling the case. Without an agreement, the case would head for trial before a DOAH judge.

Five months later the ethics commission’s case, like the CJSTC’s case, has yet even to be filed at DOAH.

Why? It may further boggle the mind that the state official in charge of overseeing it for the past seven months, without any apparent progress, is Melody Hadley – who unsuccessfully and embarrassingly recommended Tony be allowed to walk away from the matter.

Hadley was out of the office and did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

But Whitney Ray, the Attorney General’s communications director, said, “As this matter and the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission administrative case are both still pending it would not be appropriate to comment further at this time.”

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26 responses to “Broward’s killer sheriff faces twin probable cause findings of perjury as state dawdles and months roll by”

  1. Gov DeSantis is going to run out the clock on Sheriff Sharp Shooter. The public will keep getting “we can’t comment” or “we are trying to schedule a hearing” bullshit answers from the people involved. It’s very simple. DeSantis is going to delay this until the public loses interest. DeSantis wants to be President and is not going to admit his mistake which is the appointment of Sheriff LSD. The law is not applied equally if it causes an issue for a politician. Do not expect Greg Tony to ever be held accountable, not happening. Now if you work for BSO and you do anything Sheriff .38 Special thinks is inappropriate you are history. And you will not get due process. The whole thing is a joke. Politicians do what’s best for them and the law doesn’t mean shit. Look on the bright side, we get to keep watching videos of that idiot Sheriff dancing in his BSO uniform looking like a thug. Sheriff Bounced Check is here to stay. The Ethics Commission has zero teeth, that board is the definition of Smoke and Mirrors. The Command Staff at BSO which includes people that actually deserve to be in this profession will continue to kiss the ass of that criminal, Sheriff Swinger. I’m still trying to figure out how Hector Rodriguez got shot twice in the back of the head by Greg Tony if Rodriguez was about to commit a home invasion robbery with no firearm. I wonder if Sheriff Pathological Liar might have made that up. ??????. Greg Tony is not going anywhere and DeSantis is the one to thank.

  2. My condolences to all of the BSO folks: sworn, civilians, and retirees.
    You are held in high esteem by Broward County residents, but not in your boss’ eyes.
    You are held to a “higher standard” of conduct, but your boss isn’t.
    You will be FIRED for lying in any situation, but your boss won’t.
    Politics really sucks in this case.
    The Governor, DeSanctimonious, wants to be president. Therefore ANYTHING that points to the fact that he may have made a mistake, will NOT be addressed, acknowledged, or in any manner brought into the light of day.
    I suppose the FDLE, (Florida Department of Law Enforcement), only enforces what DeSanctimonious deems a violation.
    Unfortunately, the disrespect shown to BSO personnel, the people of Broward County, and the laws of Broward County, the State of Florida, and the United States of America, by Gregory Tony, do not matter. The seriously flawed BSO leader has disrespected the badge that our Deputies carry with bravery, honor and integrity. By our laws, Gregory Tony is INELIGIBLE to carry a Law Enforcement badge in the State of Florida. FDLE knows that. The Governor of Florida is a flaming idiot!

  3. As a side not Sheriff “Damn my license is suspended again” Tony is the only one who said he was acquitted in Philly. We haven’t seen a shred of evidence he was ACTUALLY found not guilty. I’m sure he wouldn’t lie about his background. ?

  4. I have a funny feeling all of Greg Tonys BS will be quietly forgiven by the CJSTC and Ethics Commission when DeSantis is done running for President. I know it sounds crazy.

  5. Stephanie Szeto Avatar

    I can’t even wrap my head around the double standards of this Governor. It makes me sick. He executed one murderer and gives the most powerful position of Sheriff to another. Ron DeSantis you need to #focusonFlorida. You’ve lost me. You are nothing more than a politician and that’s a slander worse than most these days.

  6. Dear Broward County, this is your highly ethical Governor. First of all it’s Andrew Pollacks responsibility that I appointed Greg Toney Tony as Sheriff. Mr Pollack did not tell me Tony Bologna was arrested for homicide, used LSD, had a little trouble with his check book and apparently can’t decide if his license in two different states was suspended 8 times. Mr Pollack and Tony worked out together so why wouldn’t I let Mr Pollack pick him. So, I’m trying to kick this can down the road and pretend I care by using the CJSTC and Ethics Commission. Both by the way are meaningless and I can ignore what they say. Let me run for President without looking like an incompetent dummy and I promise I’ll address the Tony issue when it no longer affects my political goals.

    Love, Ron

  7. Kevin A Bolling Avatar

    Ft. Myers Office
    4575 Via Royale Corporate Center
    4575 Via Royale
    Fort Myers, FL 33919
    SC 748-2440
    Fax (239)338-2341
    SC 748-2341
    Chief: Timothy Donnelly
    Former Public corruption Chief at the Broward State attorney’s office.
    Ft. Myers is where BSA sent tony/toney for prosecution. and they CHOSE not to file charges, against tony/toney.
    Follow the people in the MSD prosecutions of RDS Peterson (falsely), are the same people who protected tony/toney.
    Nothing will happen to tony/toney, as Peterson is going to trial on May 22, 2023. The truth is coming I’ve seen it. One is as guilty as sin and does not deserve to receive one tax dollar, the other is a highly decorated 32year veteran who never knew where the s hitbag was IN REAL TIME. I’m a Dem and a RON fan. If the victims learn the truth in the courts, I will never support Ron again. Just learn the truth.

  8. I have lost faith in DeSantis. I did not vote for him in 2022 because of his inaction.

    Donald Dillbeck was executed yesterday in Florida for killing a police officer at 15.Greg Tony was 14 when he committed his first murder. DeSantis appoints one man to be the Sheriff of Broward County Fl, the other man executed by the state of Florida. WTF

  9. NOBODY should be attempting to charge and convict BSO retired Deputy Scot Peterson of ANY DAMNED THING while they permit a MURDERER to run one of the biggest Law Enforcement agencies in the State of FloriDUH!!! Support The Florida Bulldog!!!

  10. Hopefully someone uses this against Ron if he decides to run for anything else. If he odes I hpoe he loses.

  11. Filthy Toney clearly has something on Desantis. I mean Desantis will go after a white male politician like a madman. Because its all in the name of right and wrong, right Ron?? But he is scared to death of Toney and he’s the one that brought that filthy parasite back to florida. Thanks Ron. You are useless.

    Toney will be here forever. The State is scared of him and so is the FBI. Even with the change in leadership in Miami, the new guy also must be ball-less. This is clear evidence that this stae/country is no better that Cuba, Russia, etc. They apply the law to who they want. And Desantis wants to be president?? Hell probably win too.

    Toney has something on Desantis. Ill give you one guess what it is.

  12. Ron DeSantis has signed three execution warrants for death row inmates. According to Philly police reports Greg Tony killed a defenseless person who had his hands in the air. For what? Because he was angry. DeSantis allows Tony to run The Broward Sheriffs Office. Amazing. Let’s not forget there is zero proof Tony was acquitted. He told us he was acquitted. More BS and DeSantis leaves him in office. What a system. I hope DeSantis loses in 24.

  13. Concerned Citizen 1 Avatar
    Concerned Citizen 1

    Agreed “WHO CARES.” The “filthy parasite” was brought back to Florida and was appointed SHERIFF, because Andrew Pollack (father of deceased MSD victim Meadow R.I.P), was Toney’s gym buddy, and told DeSantis to appoint the murderer/LSD user/perjurer as SHERIFF; the Parkland families stood and supported the appointment of the douschbag, and FDLE ran on DeSantis’ orders. As for former Deputy Scot Peterson this was NOTHING more than a POLITICAL HIT JOB; former scumbag Israel (8 days after a mass shooting and with NO INVESTIGATION), decided to blame the “LOW-HANGING FRUIT,” TO SAVE HIS PATHETIC/ DISGUSTING POLITICAL ASS! Kevin Bolling is correct; trial is set for 5/22/2023. When the “Court of Public Opinion,” FINALLY LEARNS THE TRUTH ABOUT THAT SHOOTING AND HOW PETERSON WAS THE “POLITICAL SCAPEGOAT/SACRIFICIAL LAMB,” THEY WILL BE DISGUSTED WITH WHAT THE BROWARD COUNTY STATE ATTORNEY’S OFFICE AND FDLE DID TO FUCK HIM (Peterson) OVER. STAY TUNED!

  14. Concerned Citizen 1 Avatar
    Concerned Citizen 1

    AMEN “Patti Lynn!” Murderers (Toney) run free and lead a Law Enforcement Agency, while a thirty-two year decorated Deputy (Peterson) is arrested and awaiting trial for “child neglect…” never knew cops were “CAREGIVERS!” Gotta love politics…

  15. It appears Desantis abandoned Broward County residents by not correcting the mistake of Tony Toney. You are 100% correct about the low hanging fruit and the truth is coming.

  16. Its the Black votes of Broward that DeSantis does not want to lose. Thats why a lying, Godless murderer remains Sheriff. Because of his race. Look back in time, and one can see that many of Broward Countys leaders have had ethics problems for decades. Leader after leader. School boards, Sheriffs, Elections depts, and on and on. Whats the root cause. Democrats. Yes Democrats.

  17. Kevin A Bolling Avatar
    Kevin A Bolling

    AMEN “Patti Lynn!” Murderers (Toney) run free and lead a Law Enforcement Agency, while a thirty-two-year decorated Deputy (Peterson) is arrested and awaiting trial for “child neglect…” never knew cops were “CAREGIVERS!” Gotta love politics…

    Patti-Lynn and Concerned Citizen you both are correct. ARE BOTH CORRECT.


    MALICIOUS PROSECUTION- Again by the Broward State Attorney.
    The same FDLE Governor Ron Destaints special investigations team decided to blame the “LOW-HANGING FRUIT,” PETERSON WAS THE “POLITICAL SCAPEGOAT/SACRIFICIAL LAMB.
    The same top-notch FDLE team vetted tony/toney and failed to prosecute him, for lying, abuse of power, driving on a suspended license, lying on forms for 13yrs, official misconduct, union busting, and so on.
    I love acronyms like DOJ, FBI, and others who by now Im sure are watching public servants who don’t tell the truth and misuse the public tax dollars to waste court’s time and violate the civil rights of law-abiding honorable public servants with 32 years of faithful and decorated service.

    THEREALTRUTH / FEBRUARY 27, 2023 8:55 AM
    It appears Desantis abandoned Broward County residents by not correcting the mistake of Tony Toney. You are 100% correct about the low hanging fruit and the truth is coming. (I agree)

  18. Concerned Citizen 1 Avatar
    Concerned Citizen 1

    Well said Bolling! One minor correction to the Florida Statute: it is “FSS 39.01 (54)” for year 2018. The Justice system is NO LONGER “BLIND,” it is “POLITICAL…” The Peterson POLITICAL charges should have NEVER happened, and NOT ONE JUDGE THUS FAR HAS HAD THE BALLS TO FOLLOW THEIR OATH AND APPLY FLORIDA LAW ACCORDINGLY. THE CHARGES (BY LAW) SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISMISSED YEARS AGO; I’LL LEAVE IT AT THAT…

  19. Jerry Fuller Avatar

    I read Sheriff Turd, Tony was critical of the Detention Deputy that struck the inmate. She should’ve done minor things like committed a homicide, used LSD and bounced a couple checks. Then she would have something in common with Sheriff Turd. It’s amazing DeSantis leaves this jerk off in office.

  20. Kevin A Bolling Avatar
    Kevin A Bolling

    Concern Citizen- The PC should have never been signed. The retired (part-time) judge had much to read in the warrant request. But nothing in it had any facts about Peterson knowing where the s hitbag sniper was. The facts are the facts. The state attorney Staz who is gone lost the s hitbag death penalty case and now we are paying for him to be hopefully someone’s sex toy, in the big house. Overcharged the Hollywood Hills nurses (DROPPED) and the owner (Thrown out). All the BSO Deputies falsely charged, found (NOT GUILTY) and know RDS Peterson’s trial is starting with a charge that does not apply to Law Enforcement Officers (Peterson was working for BSO, not a school board employee). FSS 39.01 (54) is exempt (by law). NEVER MIND HE NEVER KNEW WHERE THE S HITBAG WAS, NOONE OUTSIDE OF 1200 Bldg, Knew in real-time, which means during the shooting. PER sworn statement.
    I trust the system the case should and will be dropped before the trial, starts. Hopefully, the victims will never know the truth, because they were lied to. Law and Crime TV will be live, and I hope everyone who has lied and misled the MSD commission and persecuted Peterson is held publicly and civilly accountable.

  21. Loki Luck III Avatar

    Dear Fellow Broward Residents:

    The solution for Sheriff Tony is to petition a recall vote, so quit bickering & take action.

  22. Kevin A Bolling Avatar
    Kevin A Bolling

    I filed a complaint with the ethics board and was told, “they do not investigate active politicians”, It’s not the people’s job to do a recall on an active criminal. There is a system in place for that. Presidential candidate/ Governor Ron Desaints appointed him, I believe knowing his history and it would be his job to remove him—shame on his handlers. But this legislated session is the key to his running for President of the US. I believe this will return to him repeatedly, as he comes in third during the 2024 run. tony/toney will be the reason everyone sees his weakness.
    Peterson Case is coming very soon, and sad to say when the truth comes out, I truly feel for the victims and their families.

  23. TONY MONTANA Avatar

    Bolling, I’m very much on your side. But how could the ethics commission tell you that, when they have been so public about the case they have on the dancing Douche? And when for over a year, they have publicly reported that the blue panty wearing assclown will either strike a deal or appear in front of an administrative judge? I had moderate hope that the Ethics Commission, Feds, Fdle, or God himself, Desantis would flush this turd. Nobody white has ever escaped those odds…. Oh, wait a minute. I just answered my own question.

  24. Concerned Citizen 1 Avatar
    Concerned Citizen 1

    On target Bolling! You got it Montana!!!

  25. Kevin A Bolling Avatar
    Kevin A Bolling

    I contacted them (Florida Ethics Commission) DURING the election of 2020, I rang every bell out there, and for the first time ever I held a voting sign for Broward Sheriff- for the first time (ALVIN POLLACK) and then for Wayne Clark. As a Broward Democrat, I supported the better man in both cases. The ethics commission surprised me and I might still have it in writing. When I saw them find the same information I gave them in 2019, in 2022, and do nothing with it in 2019. I figured the wheels of justice grind slowly and still had hope that the staff and the public would be saved from a cold blood killer, LSD user, and lying bully who wastes tax dollars abusing honorable public safety professionals and the best public servants in the country, as far as I’m concerned.

    Please let’s not forget Tim Donnelly former Broward County Public Corruption Assist. State Attorney (who truly served Broward well) until he wrote the PC and had FDLE Agent Riddick sign it, and filed the charges against Retired Deputy Scot Peterson, who was the only person who did anything during the MSD shooting. In REAL TIME no one on the outside of the 1200 Building on campus (except 2 people) knew the shooting was inside the building and that beautiful people were being shot and killed and injured. Peterson never knew in real time, he believed it was a (OUTSIDE POSSIBLE SNIPER) and he was CORRECT, the State attorney knows it and the MSD Commission knows it. I pray that the charges are dropped as they should be against Peterson, and the victims can move on, and complete the grieving process.
    But I digress, Tim Donnelly is now the Statewide Prosecutor in Ft. Myers, you know the Statewide prosecution Office that fail to charge tony/toney for lying on the state forms and the “he forgot his DL was suspended in two states Pa. and Fla more than 6x’s, they never checked the Carolinas, so it could be more lying and perjury there.
    Thank you all who know me, and have called me to thank me for standing up for the malicious prosecution of a decorated public servant who in 32yrs of service never had his integrity or bravery ever called into question.
    But a liar who fed lies to the grieving Victims’ families and against politicians who 8 days after the shooting declared that one person was the reason everything failed MSD. Undeserving overrated taxpayer-funded self-serving politicians with self-promoting political agendas have stained a guy who was voted as Deputy of the year and served thousands of Broward County youth to help them stay on track. 5 Deputies are doing the job he did, and he did the job without complaining and was considered by his peers and supervisors as a great fit as an SRD.
    Don’t thank me, stand up for what’s right. May 22, 2023, the trial will start if the system does not fix this horrible abuse of power and scapegoating. The Broward State attorneys office has failed our community, as the s hitbag got life instead of what was right and just. Come stand with the 35th victim of MSD shooting to see the system corrects itself or they try and stand on the grosses abuse of power ever seen in Broward County.

  26. Concerned Citizen 1 Avatar
    Concerned Citizen 1

    AMEN BOLLING! The Parkland shooting became a POLITCAL shooting from the get-go…disgraced Scott Israel used/blamed Peterson to take the limelight away from his own incompetence, and then Governor Rick Scott took the reins. He used the shooting in his quest to become a Florida Senator, by using shooting victim Meadow Pollack (R.I.P.) for votes; we know it worked for him; after that everyone jumped on the Peterson bandwagon… Just saying.

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